Cosmic Quandary
A game of infinite cosmic puzzles!
User Group Jeopardy
Open source projects for creating fun, interactive user group presentations.
Introducing CodeFollow
Introducing a new project I've been working on called CodeFollow
Voting For App of the Month
Kung-Fu Clash in the running for App of the Month
Creating Kung-Fu Clash
Bits of info and trivia about creating Kung-Fu Clash.
Mobile Game: Kung-Fu Clash
Achievement Unlocked: Childhood goal completed!
The Time Capsule
A weekend discovery of a CD backup of long lost projects from 2005.
Passing Context With JavaScript
Simple trick to maintain context when passing functions as arguments.
Joining Improving UX
Joining the team at Improving Enterprises.
Keeping Node Alive
Thoughts on a simple way to keep Node sites running.
JS1K and the 8-Bit RPG
A story about abusing JavaScript in the name of competition
Lost In Space (404)
Creating the 404 page
Async Loops In Node
Naming anonymous functions to make async loops easier to manage.
Hello NodeJS
New website written in NodeJS and what I've learned.
Raising Geek Kids
Fun and geeky activities you can enjoy with your kids.
Sorting Spaces In Lion
Taking advantage of multiple spaces in Lion using a single monitor.
Templates With Razor
Examples for using templates as parameters with helpers in Razor.
Making A Change: Xamarin
Upgrading my career to awesome!
Expanding Your Boundaries
Follow up post after a few weeks of using Ruby.
Diving Into Ruby
Thoughts and opinions after a weekend of Ruby and Eloquent Ruby.
Ignoring Case For MVC Views On Linux
Case-sensitive file systems can cause problems with how ASP.NET MVC locates views with Mono.
Command Line Shortcut Utility
Simple utility to create shortcuts for commonly used console commands.
Using CSS Transitions
Examples of how to use CSS transitions in your site with Internet Explorer fallbacks.
Avoiding CSS Hacks
Use conditional comments with IE specific elements to write manageable, hack free CSS.
JavaScript Shortcuts
Samples and explanations of helpful shortcuts to use when writing JavaScript.
Ipsum For Images
Need random images for your website designs? There's a site for that!
The NES Project
Turn an old NES, broken portable DVD player and Legos into an all-in-one game system? Sure, why not!
jsshell 3.0
Update for jsshell to version 3.0 with new jQuery, new jLinq and better auto-complete features.
Code Performance With Anonymous Methods
Post titled "Code Performance With Anonymous Methods"
Teaching Software Development With Games
Introduction of Project RU - Teaching developers Javascript using games.
Campfire, Google Chrome and Extensions
A simple plugin to allow desktop notifications when using Campfire with Google Chrome.
Waiter, There's Some jQuery In My jLinq
A jLinq plugin for jQuery to perform queries against selected elements.
Getting Organized With Toggl
First impressions of using the Toggl time tracking service.
Making A Change!
Post titled "Making A Change!"
Anonymous Types As Object Templates
Post titled "Anonymous Types As Object Templates"
Using jLinq With JSON APIs
Post titled "Using jLinq With JSON APIs"
Null Instance Extension Methods
Use extension methods even with a null instance of a class.
Installing CobaltMVC
Post titled "Installing CobaltMVC"
3 Things To Know Before Using jLinq
Post titled "3 Things To Know Before Using jLinq"
jLinq Reloaded
Post titled "jLinq Reloaded"
More Control When Parsing Values
Post titled "More Control When Parsing Values"
jLinq Performance Analyzed
Post titled "jLinq Performance Analyzed"
Quirks Of Using For Each
Post titled "Quirks Of Using For Each"
Almost Sorta Real Dynamic in .NET
Post titled "Almost Sorta Real Dynamic in .NET"
Dead ASP.NET Debugger? It's All About Location!
Post titled "Dead ASP.NET Debugger? It's All About Location!"
Stop, Think, Fix Errors... (Repeat!)
Post titled "Stop, Think, Fix Errors... (Repeat!)"
Avoiding Confirmation Boxes
Post titled "Avoiding Confirmation Boxes"
CobaltMVC and Custom Selectors
Post titled "CobaltMVC and Custom Selectors"
Cobalt Beta - jQuery Style View Templating!
Post titled "Cobalt Beta - jQuery Style View Templating!"
MVC Templating - jQuery Style!
Post titled "MVC Templating - jQuery Style!"
ASP.NET 4.0 New Html.Encode Syntax
Post titled "ASP.NET 4.0 New Html.Encode Syntax"
Goodbye Courier, Goodbye Innovation...
Post titled "Goodbye Courier, Goodbye Innovation..."
Work Sequences Using Lambdas
Post titled "Work Sequences Using Lambdas"
Using Code Behinds For MVC Templates
Post titled "Using Code Behinds For MVC Templates"
Adding Stylesheets, Scripts In ASP.NET MVC2
Post titled "Adding Stylesheets, Scripts In ASP.NET MVC2"
Making UserControls And Namespaces Work
Post titled "Making UserControls And Namespaces Work"
Static Constructors
Post titled "Static Constructors"
A Personable Form Of Impersonation
Post titled "A Personable Form Of Impersonation"
Performing Updates With CSMongo
Post titled "Performing Updates With CSMongo"
Copyin' and-a Pastin'
Post titled "Copyin' and-a Pastin'"
Woes With External Assemblies
Post titled "Woes With External Assemblies"
CSMongo On GitHub
CSMongo is now available on Github!
Enumeration Extensions 2.0
Post titled "Enumeration Extensions 2.0"
CSMongo Driver - Part 1
Post titled "CSMongo Driver - Part 1"
jLinq in MongoDB (Oh snap!!)
Post titled "jLinq in MongoDB (Oh snap!!)"
Using MongoDB With Visual Studio
Post titled "Using MongoDB With Visual Studio"
Testing ASP.NET Sites for iPhone
Post titled "Testing ASP.NET Sites for iPhone"
WebControls In MVC... again...
Using Binding with Models and UserControls in ASP.NET MVC
Yet Another jsshell Update
New features in jsshell 2.0.1
Simple External jQuery Templates - Part 2
Second part of External jQuery Templates with improved code.
Simple External Templates With jQuery
Example of avoiding callbacks when using external HTML templates.
Using Delegates As Parameters
Thoughts on using delegates as parameters in method calls.
jsshell 2.0 - The Release
New features found in the 2.0 version of jsshell
jsshell 2.0 -- Yeah... already...
Details about the new release of jsshell.
Chrome Extension: jsshell
Introduction to my Google Chrome plugin called jsshell
Minimize Context Switching
Thoughts on reducing the cost associated with changing between code projects.
Undo, Redo and Whatever... From A Web Application
Using anonymous functions to remember 'undo' actions on a web page.
Speaking Of Code
Ideas for starting a programming group.
Flow Based MVC Controllers
Attempts to write logic flow based MVC Controllers
Measuring Speed With Anonymous Functions
Using Anonymous Functions to measure blocks of code.
More On Cross Platform Development
Tools to help Windows developers get started on other platforms.
Writing Better Error Messages
Ideas on how to write short, clear error messages.
Render Partial -- But With Arguments!
Using static methods to provide arguments when using RenderPartial.
Spelling It Out With Booleans
Using well named boolean values makes code intent much clearer.
MonoDevelop - Pure Awesome!
Thoughts from my first time using MonoDevelop.
Combining WebServices with MVC
Using MVC Controllers to invoke WebService methods.
Slightly Easier Recursive Functions
Using a local anonymous function to perform recursive calls.
Filling In The Blanks
Reducing code complexity by using a different approach to class design.
Build A Smarter Loop With C#
Ideas on using anonymous functions to make a smarter loop construct.
Sony VAIO - Now With Less Bloatware!
Personal post about a new laptop I purchased.
WebForms : FrontPage For Programmers
Is using WebForms resulting in poorly made websites.
Laptop Hunt (Coming To A Conclusion)
Review of a possible laptop purchase.
Handling XML Namespaces Using LINQ
Performing simple queries with XML and LINQ.
Software Design : Target Audiences
Post titled "Software Design : Target Audiences"
Include Stylesheets and Scripts In MVC
An idea how to include external resources from MVC views.
Dude, For Real -- Encrypt Your Web.Config
Post titled "Dude, For Real -- Encrypt Your Web.Config"
Is Encrypting A Web.config Useful?
Post titled "Is Encrypting A Web.config Useful?"
Encrypt Your Web.config, Please
Post titled "Encrypt Your Web.config, Please"
The Mystery Behind 'Yield'
Post titled "The Mystery Behind 'Yield'"
Simulate Threading Using Javascript
Post titled "Simulate Threading Using Javascript"
jLinq - Creating Your Own Extension Methods
Post titled "jLinq - Creating Your Own Extension Methods"
C# And Accepting Parameters
Post titled "C# And Accepting Parameters"
More jQuery Magic - Search Highlighting
Post titled "More jQuery Magic - Search Highlighting"
Do You Have A Side Project
Post titled "Do You Have A Side Project"
WebForms And MVC In Harmony -- Almost...
Post titled "WebForms And MVC In Harmony -- Almost..."
Enums, Flags and C# -- Oh my!
Post titled "Enums, Flags and C# -- Oh my! (bad pun...)"
Complete Control Over Your Webforms Output
Post titled "Complete Control Over Your Webforms Output"
Testing Your JavaScript
Post titled "Testing Your JavaScript"
Anonymous Types - Dynamic Programming With C#
Post titled "Anonymous Types - Dynamic Programming With C#"
jLinq And Accepting Parameters
Post titled "jLinq And Accepting Parameters"
Simplify Using Anonymous Types
Post titled "Simplify Using Anonymous Types
Manual Minification In ASP.NET
Post titled "Manual Minification In ASP.NET"
jQuery Magic - Why I Love Enclosures
Post titled "jQuery Magic - Why I Love Enclosures"
jLinq - Extending A Method
Post titled "jLinq - Extending A Method"
Just What Is jLinq?
Post titled "Just What Is jLinq?"
jLinq - Going Online!
Post titled "jLinq - Going Online!"