Filling In The Blanks

This last week has been pretty busy for me. I've been working on several projects at work, deadlines coming due, trying to get personal projects done, jLinq bugs fixed -- it's been a rough week.

I was excited a few weeks ago when the new developer was going to start. I was finally going to be able to spread out some of this work and get a little more time on my hands... or so I thought. As it turns out, this guy isn't exactly what I was expecting. Despite my best efforts, I still ended up hiring someone with pretty much no background in programming. I went from already being maxed out to now spending between 20% to 30% of my time teaching the basics of programming... yeah - this is my fault.

But as bad as it sounds it really has actually helped me rediscover a programming rule that I thought I was still using but apparently had forgotten.

So, one of the first projects the guy had to do involved checking a directory for new files, creating a record of the file if it was found and then processing existing files to transform file types from one to another. Really, probably an hour long job at most but was really causing this guy some grief.

An Alternate Approach -- Simplicity

Naturally, as a developer, the first thing I started trying to explain was how the code would work like checking file dates or creating an XmlSerializer to load and save files -- none of which actually helped him solve his problem. After several frustrating whiteboarding sessions I came up with a new route -- make it so simple it was impossible to mess it up!

I took a second pass at trying to get the guy started in the right direction. Instead, I opened a new class file for him and wrote something like this.

public class FileRecordSync {

    //This is a list of the files that the program has already detected
    //this is also where to add new files that are discovered
    public List<FileRecordEntry> CurrentFiles { get; private set; }

    //determine if this file should be processed or not
    public bool IsValidFileType(string path) {
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    //check and see if this file exists in CurrentFiles or not
    public bool IsExistingFileEntry(string path) {
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    //check to see if the modified date is greater than the logged modified date
    public bool IsFileEntryModified(FileRecordEntry entry) {
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    //find the matching file in the CurrentFiles or return null if nothing was found
    public FileRecordEntry FindExistingEntry(string path) {
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    //create a new FileRecordEntry from the path and add it to CurrentFiles
    public void AddNewFileRecordEntry(string path) {
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    //set the file as expired to 
    public void MarkFileAsModified(FileRecordEntry entry) {
        throw new NotImplementedException();


Now, writing code was as simple as filling in the blanks.

Granted, an experienced developer could place all of those functions into a single loop and it would still be readable but isn't the code above the kind of code we should all be writing anyways? Simple, clear, straight-forward functions each with a specific purpose and nothing more?

Code like this manages complexity - he didn't have to worry about how each of the functions were going to fit into the master plan but instead how to complete each of the functions.

When it was all said and done with, the loop that had caused so much grief was much easier to read - not just for him but easier for me to read as well!

public void ProcessFiles() {

    foreach(string file in Directory.GetFiles(folder)) {

        if (!this.IsValidFileType(file)) { continue; }

        if (this.IsExistingFileEntry(file) &&
            this.IsFileModified(file)) {
            FileEntryRecord entry= this.FindExistingFile(file);

        else {



Even without comments, you can most likely figure out what this code does with only a cursory glance over it.

A Personal Reevaluation

Its hard to say when a developer abandons simplicity. I think a lot of us start out writing gigantic functions that do much more than they need to and then slowly realize how much easier our lives are if we create functions for specific jobs.

Ironically though, I think the smarter and more skilled we become, we begin to lose sight of what a "simple" function really is. Some of us can write a single lambda expression to create a ham-n-cheese sandwich with our eyes closed -- a 20 to 30 line for loop can't possibly be that difficult for us anymore!

I can't deny that I would have pushed all that code into a single loop, used a handful of well named variables with a couple clear and useful comments and called it a day. But looking back on the final result I can say without a doubt that I'd rather go back and make changes to the new, simpler class -- wouldn't you say the same?

September 17, 2009

Filling In The Blanks

Reducing code complexity by using a different approach to class design.